Contraindications to Microblading

The client may not have the treatment should any of the following apply to them:

  • Keloid scarring formation
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Taking blood-thinners such as aspirin or similar medication
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Glaucoma
  • Active herpes simplex in the area to be treated
  • Certain skin conditions in the area to be treated e.g., rashes, blisters, psoriasis, or eczema
  • Currently having cortisone, Accutane, Retin-A or Renova treatments or medication


If there’s a concern about any other medical condition that may prevent your client from having the treatment, please ask them to consult their doctor/GP and provide a medical note to confirm that they’re able to have the Microblading treatment. You should keep a hard copy of the note on file.

Manageable conditions:

Condition What to Expect
Thyroid medication


●        Clients on thyroid medications often need permanent cosmetic procedures re-enhanced more often.

●        Their colour fades more quickly.

●        Thyroid clients tend to be frequent clients for Microblading as their medication may cause hair loss.


Blood thinning medication


●        These can cause bleeding during the treatment inhibiting the ability to implant the pigment.

●        Blood thinners include Aspirin, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Fish Oil

●        Blood thinners keep blood platelets from sticking together.

●        In permanent cosmetics, this increases the likelihood of a blood droplet coming to the surface.

●        The downside is this molecule is bigger than tattoo pigment molecules and can wash some of the pigments away.

●        Therefore, a client on these medications will experience more colour loss.



●        Clients who are insulin dependent often don’t heal as well and may be at a heightened risk for infection.

●        They may need clearance from their doctor for permanent cosmetic services, waxing or other more aggressive skin care treatments.

●        They should always get a doctor’s approval before having the treatment.



●        Clients on chemo drugs have a compromised immune system and may not heal well.

●        Clients will need written consent from a doctor before having the treatment.

●        Doctors normally recommend patients to wait at least 6 months to 1 year before having the treatment.

Botox and injectables


●        If the client has had either a neurotoxin or filler injectable, they should wait at least 2 weeks before having a permanent cosmetic service.

●        The manipulation of the skin has a small potential for affecting the outcome.