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Now it’s time to join up the points to create your brow shape. Remember, we’re not designing them square, straight, or angular, we are creating soft curves to mimic a real brow.
Step 1: Join the head to the natural start point of the brow with a soft slanted curve.
Step 2: Join the natural start of the brow to the top arch with a softly inward curved line.
Step 3: Your top arch to tail will already be marked out.
Step 4: Join the base of the head of the brows to the start of the lift in a soft curve like the first step.
Step 5: Continue past the lift to create the arch, making sure to go through the middle point through to the tail.
Transition lines
Your standard transition line should begin approximately 3 mm in from the base head. Head diagonally in the direction towards the top, but not quite reaching the border, and leaving a 2mm gap before turning down and meeting the highest point of the arch at the base. This technique creates a great natural looking brow for clients who have very sparse or no brow hair to follow. If the client has enough hair on their brows, observe the hair growth, adapt, and follow this direction to draw your transition line so that you give them their most authentic look.
You will notice that East-Asian brows transition to a downward turn very early into the eyebrow, so it’s essential to follow and adapt your mapping accordingly.
Check both brows to ensure the transition lines are equal in shape and length.