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Reporting Of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR)
The main purpose of this regulation is to alert the correct authorities to incidents and causes of ill health that may need further investigation. The second role is to collate statistics and to assist in the implementation of initiatives to reduce accidents in the workplace.
Reporting Accidents
All accidents and near misses should be recorded in an Accident Report Book, which should be kept with a First Aid kit on the premises.
The following information must be recorded:
- Full name and address of the person(s) involved in the accident.
- Circumstances of the accident.
- Date and time of the accident.
- All details of what may have contributed to the accident.
- The type of injury that occurred and treatment provided on or off-site.
- Details of any witnesses.
If any of your employees or trainees suffer a personal injury at work that results in:
- Major Injury
- Death
Then you must contact the Incident Contact Centre on 0845 300 99 23.
Less serious injuries must be reported using form F2508 available on the HSE website. Less serious injuries include:
- More than 24 hours in a hospital
- Incapacity for more than 7 days.
Other incidences that are reportable include:
- A member of the public or client is injured and admitted to hospital.
- Any member of staff that is injured due to an act of violence that is work-related.
All records of injuries, minor or major, must be recorded in your accident book.
Further guidance can be found on the HSE website