The Eyes are the Window to The Soul – Don’t Let Your Brows Ruin It

It is well known that the eyes are the window to the soul. We spend a lot of time looking at people's eyes, so it is only natural that they play a big part in attractiveness. And a great pair of eyebrows can act like the perfect frames. They can accentuate the eyes, bring out the colour and draw focus to your face in all the right places. So why don't you give your brows the love and care they deserve?

The Eyes are the Window to The Soul – Don’t Let Your Brows Ruin It2020-05-21T21:09:36+00:00



Hello, my name is Nita McEvoy and for over 20 years, I have specialised in a wide and wonderful variety of beauty and skincare techniques to help women and men look and feel amazing.

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